Djokovic's father reacted to the insult: Novak is a nationalist, but ... VIDEO

Novak Djokovic's father, Srdjan Djokovic, commented for TV Prva the attacks on the best Serbian tennis player coming from Kosovo's Ambassador to Bulgaria

Izvor: B92

Monday, 13.01.2020.


Djokovic's father reacted to the insult: Novak is a nationalist, but ... VIDEO
Screenshot/TV Prva

Djokovic's father reacted to the insult: Novak is a nationalist, but ... VIDEO

Pristina's representative in Bulgaria Edon Cana commented on Twitter how Serbian tennis players celebrated winning the ATP Cup in Australia. He was particularly keen on Novak Djokovic.

"After Military March Song they continued with Kosovo...!
You can be ATP winner but still deep remain primitive, backward and ordinary Balkan nationalist and chauvinist!
Not accidentally Novak Djokovic has been the least liked and loved tennis champion in history," Cana wrote.

However, Novak Djokovic's father, Srdjan, said in the Morning program on Prva TV that Novak is a nationalist, like him, as the most of our people in our country.

"It is nothing to be ashamed of, we love our people and our country. But we do not hate other people and other countries. You have come into our country and you know that it is our holy land, as Jerusalem for the Jews. Therefore, we will always be with our Kosovo and our people down there and don't think that something will change in 10, 20, 100 or a thousand years. Kosovo will always be the heart of Serbia", Srdjan Djokovic concluded.

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