Town "likes heroes, should honor Assange"

The Serbian-Cuban Friendship Society has launched an initiative to have Julian Assange declared honorary citizen of the town of Čačak in central Serbia.

Izvor: Veèernje novosti

Wednesday, 02.02.2011.


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The Serbian-Cuban Friendship Society has launched an initiative to have Julian Assange declared honorary citizen of the town of Cacak in central Serbia. The founder of the WikiLeaks whistleblowing website should be honored in this way "because the spirit of this city justifies the initiative, since Cacak likes heroes", a statement from the association said. Town "likes heroes, should honor Assange" Belgrade's Vecernje Novosti daily writes that the statement describes Assange as a person who spoke on behalf of a "programmed world, robbed of its senses". "He spoke the truth about vices, crimes, the dark side of diplomacy and the political medals that decorate the necks of the unworthy". All this makes the Australian "a symbol of revolutionary action", and puts him on the way of becoming an equal to Che Guevara, while using the most powerful weapon of the new age - information, said the association, which is now gathering more than a thousand signatures necessary for the initiative to be submitted to the town hall. Julian Assange (Beta/AP)

Town "likes heroes, should honor Assange"

Belgrade's Večernje Novosti daily writes that the statement describes Assange as a person who spoke on behalf of a "programmed world, robbed of its senses".

"He spoke the truth about vices, crimes, the dark side of diplomacy and the political medals that decorate the necks of the unworthy".

All this makes the Australian "a symbol of revolutionary action", and puts him on the way of becoming an equal to Che Guevara, while using the most powerful weapon of the new age - information, said the association, which is now gathering more than a thousand signatures necessary for the initiative to be submitted to the town hall.

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