New Russian patriarch reiterates support

Russian Orthodox Church's newly-elected Patriarch Kirill met on Tuesday in Moscow with a delegation of the Serbian Orthodox Church (SPC).

Izvor: Tanjug

Tuesday, 03.02.2009.


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Russian Orthodox Church's newly-elected Patriarch Kirill met on Tuesday in Moscow with a delegation of the Serbian Orthodox Church (SPC). He told the SPC dignitaries, headed by Metropolitan of Montenegro and Littoral Amfilohije, that the position of the Russian Church regarding the issue of Kosovo, which is based on the respect of Serbia's territorial wholeness and international agreements, will not change. New Russian patriarch reiterates support The leader of the Russian Church received the SPC delegation only a few days after his enthronement on Jan. 27. Patriarch Kirill underlined that the essence of the position of the Russian Church was the respect of international agreements, as well as the recognition of the several centuries long history of Serbia, for which, as he put it, Kosovo represented a historical and cultural centre. Late Russian Patriarch Alexy II spoke in favor of Serbia's territorial wholeness on a number of occasions, Patriarch Kirill reminded. "We stand by our Serb brothers and we pray to God to give peace to the people that are involved in this dispute," the Russian patriarch said.

New Russian patriarch reiterates support

The leader of the Russian Church received the SPC delegation only a few days after his enthronement on Jan. 27.

Patriarch Kirill underlined that the essence of the position of the Russian Church was the respect of international agreements, as well as the recognition of the several centuries long history of Serbia, for which, as he put it, Kosovo represented a historical and cultural centre.

Late Russian Patriarch Alexy II spoke in favor of Serbia's territorial wholeness on a number of occasions, Patriarch Kirill reminded.

"We stand by our Serb brothers and we pray to God to give peace to the people that are involved in this dispute," the Russian patriarch said.

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