Russia will support the independence of Republika Srpska under one condition

Russian Ambassador to BiH, Igor Kalabukhov, says he sees no problem in Milorad Dodik's idea of an independent Republika Srpska within Bosnia-Herzegovina.

Izvor: Beta

Thursday, 11.11.2021.


Russia will support the independence of Republika Srpska under one condition
Foto: Shutterstok/smith371

Russia will support the independence of Republika Srpska under one condition

Russian Ambassador to BiH, Igor Kalabukhov, said that the condition for it should be the result of dialogue between all parties in Bosnia-Herzegovina.

Kalabukhov stated that it is a matter of politicians, democratic decisions, and that Russia will support it if "it is realized in dialogue".

Russian ambassador told the BiH Public Service (BHRT) that he advocates the principle of resolving the crisis in Bosnia-Herzegovina through dialogue, all decisions must be made through dialogue, in communication between the entities, which must decide how to find the best way out of the current situation.

Kalabukhov further stated that the Russian position is that there is no High Representative in Bosnia-Herzegovina, because the procedure for appointing Christian Schmidt to that position has not been followed. He reminded that the decision on the appointment of the German diplomat was made by the ambassadors of the member states of the Steering Board of the Peace Implementation Council in BiH (PIC) without consensus and without the consent of the High Representative in the UN Security Council.

"As a guarantor of the Dayton Agreement, we are a member of the PIC, but we do not work in the OHR while Christian Schmidt is there. We do not support any official contacts with Schmidt," Kalabukhov said. He also assessed that Valentin Inzko's decision to impose a law banning genocide denial, which he passed as the High Representative at the very end of his mandate, was "subjective and unbalanced".

"It would be best if that decision was in the BiH institutions, during the debate, during the dialogue. This dialogue is being conducted. Of course, not everyone may know about this dialogue, but it is being discussed in diplomatic circles. It is a term which, due to political repercussions, must be very balanced and very sensitive", Russian ambassador said.

Kalabukhov pointed out that he "does not see a problem in the fact that the Republika Srpska repealed the decision of the High Representative, although Inzko made that decision in accordance with his powers", adding that it was a matter for the National Assembly of the Republika Srpska.

"We didn't want to blame the whole nation"

According to him, in 2015, Russia did not support the Resolution on Srebrenica in the UN Security Council, which was prepared by Great Britain, because, as he stated, the draft was unbalanced and blamed the entire nation.

Kalabukhov also said that the decisions of the Hague Tribunal are also questionable for Russia. "When we were at the beginning of this story for the establishment of this court, we said that we see its work as an instrument of reconciliation in Bosnia-Herzegovina. Unfortunately, that did not happen. We think that what was done there did not lead to reconciliation and tolerance in Bosnia-Herzegovina, and that is why our position in relation to these decisions and all the tragic events is known", he pointed out.

According to him, Russia's diplomacy is trying to balance everything concerning Bosnia-Herzegovina, and they are trying to "balance the whole position of the international factor".

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