A strong earthquake hit Montenegro; For B92.net from Herceg Novi: "We didn't sleep"

Last night, shortly after 1 a.m., Montenegro was hit by a strong earthquake, with a magnitude of 4.5 degrees. Epicenter was 14 kilometers away from Herceg Novi.

Izvor: B92

Saturday, 26.06.2021.


A strong earthquake hit Montenegro; For B92.net from Herceg Novi:
Ilustracija: Depositphotos/Albund

A strong earthquake hit Montenegro; For B92.net from Herceg Novi: "We didn't sleep"

Many citizens felt the earthquake, and some woke up.

Herceg Novi confirmed to B92.net that there was a stronger earthquake.

"Houses and beds were shaking, people were really scared, we literally haven't slept since then, I haven't experienced such a strong earthquake," said the interlocutor. The earthquake lasted for about 10 seconds, and the alarms on the cars in the city were turned on, while the windows of the houses were shaking, books were falling off the shelves.

For now, there is no information on the damage and injuries.

The earthquake was also registered by the CSEM service.

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