Curfew and deserted streets; Latest data: 1.323 infected PHOTO

On Tuesday at 9 pm, for the first time in the history of independent Slovenia, the curfew came into force, i.e. restriction of movement between 9 pm and 6 am.


Wednesday, 21.10.2020.


Curfew and deserted streets; Latest data: 1.323 infected PHOTO
EPA-EFE Sascha Steinbach/Ilustracija

Curfew and deserted streets; Latest data: 1.323 infected PHOTO

As of midnight, socializing is limited to a maximum of six people, and there is a ban on movement between the regions, according to the Croatian portal

The introduction of curfew in the capital passed quite peacefully, the portal further states and adds that just after 9 pm the streets became empty, and the 24-hour photo-reporter found mostly only policemen on the streets.

It was a little bit different in Maribor, where about a hundred demonstrators gathered on the Main Square. Among other things, they shouted that the curfew was not constitutional.

Last night, as a reaction to the protest, Prime Minister Janez Janša announced on Twitter that Slovenia already has more than 1.100 newly infected people in the last 24 hours, and called on people to get serious.

Some media close to the government, however, reported that it was the number of 1.323 cases of coronavirus in 24 hours. This morning, government spokesman for coronavirus Jelko Kacin called on people to stay in their homes.

"Indeed, stay at home if you can. Many of us have to go to work, especially today. Take care of yourself and call those who need help. There are not a few of them," he wrote.

On Tuesday night, the government decided that competitions in collective sports are allowed, but only those at the highest level, while in individual sports, large domestic and international sports events without spectators are allowed.

Sports training is now allowed for athletes of Olympic, world, international and perspective class, as well as professional athletes older than 15, who are registered in the register of professional athletes in the Ministry.

The government has also determined that even in the red regions, hairdressing and beauty salons can accept one client on 20 square meters. Until now, it was thought that in these regions, hairdressers and cosmetics could have only one client in the business premises.

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