RS "ends cooperation" with Bosnian court, prosecution

The government of the Serb Republic, RS, has decided to end cooperation with the Court and the Prosecution of Bosnia-Herzegovina.

Izvor: Beta

Thursday, 10.12.2015.


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RS "ends cooperation" with Bosnian court, prosecution

The reason are the arrests earlier today of five Serbs in the area of Novi Grad. They are accused of war crimes committed against Bosniaks (Bosnian Muslims).

RS Interior Minister Dragan Lukac told reporters that the decision to end of cooperation with the Bosnian prosecution, court, and the SIPA agency concerns also other RS institutions.

"The RS government considers SIPA's move to be a crude violation of the police cooperation," he said after the cabinet held an extraordinary session.

The entity's assembly should also hold a special sitting in the wake of the arrests in Novi Grad.

This has been requested by RS Prime Minister Zeljka Cvijanovic, who explained the sitting should be held because of SIPA's raids of police and municipal premises in Novi Grad.

The assembly's Collegium will decide on her request today.

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