Izetbegovic "disappointed" with Vucic

Bosnian Presidency member Bakir Izetbegovic says he is disappointed Serbian PM Vucic was not ready to accept what is written in the judgments on Srebrenica.

Izvor: Beta

Thursday, 05.11.2015.


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(Beta/AP, file)

Izetbegovic "disappointed" with Vucic

Vucic said that Serbia had condemned "the serious and heinous crimes in Srebrenica" and that in the last year 14 people have been arrested for the crime.

He added that he also went to pay homage to the victims of Srebrenica, and as the prime minister, never said that genocide in Srebrenica either did or did not happen.

"Since I have been the prime minister I never said it either was or wasn't, I did not want to hurt any Bosniak by telling them, that is not it," Vucic has been quoted as saying.

He also said that his statement from 1995, when he was a Serb Radical Party (SRS) deputy, and when he said, "for one Serb, we will kill 100 Muslims" was "taken out of context."

According to Vucic, "that was not the essence of that sentence." He also noted that he he would never say such a thing again, and added:

"I also make mistakes today and I don't think there's a person who doesn't. Just as I was sincere in thinking I was protecting THE interests of my people, so I sincerely think I am protecting those interests today, and I really think that relations between Serbs and Bosniaks (Bosnian Muslims) is something very important."

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