Bosnian Serb official pleads not guilty

A former Bosnian Serb official has pleaded not guilty to all 12 charges brought against him by the Bosnian prosecution.

Izvor: Tanjug

Friday, 09.11.2007.


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A former Bosnian Serb official has pleaded not guilty to all 12 charges brought against him by the Bosnian prosecution. Former Bosnia-Hercegovina Foreign Minister, President of the Party of Democratic Progress and candidate for the Republic of Srpska presidency Mladen Ivanic has been accused of abuse of authority, criminal association, incitement to abuse of authority, and bribery. Bosnian Serb official pleads not guilty Ivanic’s co-accused are Zoran Djeric, Miro Jurisic, Perica Bundalo, Rodoljub Trkulja, Stojko Blagojevic, Zoran Supeta, Dragisa Dragutinovic, Zdenko Sakan, Milorad Marjanovic, Mirko Rokvic, Radenko Borojevic and Novica Davidovic. Miro Jurisic has been accused of illegal forestry and bribery. Djeric, Bundalo, Trkulja and Blagojevic have been charged with criminal association and incitement to abuse of authority, while Perica Bundalo is accused of bribery. Zoran Supeta, Dragisa Dragutinovic, Zdenko Sakan, Milorad Marjanovic, Mirko Rokvic, Radenko Borojevic and Novica Davidovic are all accused of abuse of authority.

Bosnian Serb official pleads not guilty

Ivanić’s co-accused are Zoran Đerić, Miro Jurišić, Perica Bundalo, Rodoljub Trkulja, Stojko Blagojević, Zoran Šupeta, Dragiša Dragutinović, Zdenko Sakan, Milorad Marjanović, Mirko Rokvić, Radenko Borojević and Novica Davidović.

Miro Jurišić has been accused of illegal forestry and bribery. Đerić, Bundalo, Trkulja and Blagojević have been charged with criminal association and incitement to abuse of authority, while Perica Bundalo is accused of bribery.

Zoran Šupeta, Dragiša Dragutinović, Zdenko Sakan, Milorad Marjanović, Mirko Rokvić, Radenko Borojević and Novica Davidović are all accused of abuse of authority.

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