Anti-gay parade minister to resign?

The Montenegrin government will give institutional support in the organization of the LGBT pride parade in Podgorica on May 31.

Izvor: Tanjug

Thursday, 14.04.2011.


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The Montenegrin government will give institutional support in the organization of the LGBT pride parade in Podgorica on May 31. It will delegate two representatives to the organizing committee, agreed government officials and NGO Forum Progres, which is organizing the event. Anti-gay parade minister to resign? This will affirm the European potential of our country and society, it was concluded in the meeting of Deputy Prime Minister Dusko Markovic and Forum Progress President Branko Cimbaljevic, Podgorica media reported. The meeting was also attended by Assistant Minister for Human and Minority Rights Blanka Radosevic-Marovic and Police Director Veselin Veljovic. Prime Minister Igor Luksic previously expressed support for the Pride Parade, while Human and Minority Rights Minister Ferhat Dinosa refused to sit on the organizing committee and said the time is not right for such an event in Montenegro, Citing unofficial sources, the daily Dan claims that Dinosa, who heads an ethnic Albanian party in Montenegro, said he would be leaving his office in a meeting with representatives of several NGOs on Wednesday. NGOs which advocate LGBT rights have been calling for Dinosa's resignation for the past several months, after he voiced strong opposition to holding a pride parade in Montenegro.

Anti-gay parade minister to resign?

This will affirm the European potential of our country and society, it was concluded in the meeting of Deputy Prime Minister Duško Marković and Forum Progress President Branko Cimbaljević, Podgorica media reported.

The meeting was also attended by Assistant Minister for Human and Minority Rights Blanka Radošević-Marović and Police Director Veselin Veljović.

Prime Minister Igor Lukšić previously expressed support for the Pride Parade, while Human and Minority Rights Minister Ferhat Dinosa refused to sit on the organizing committee and said the time is not right for such an event in Montenegro,

Citing unofficial sources, the daily Dan claims that Dinoša, who heads an ethnic Albanian party in Montenegro, said he would be leaving his office in a meeting with representatives of several NGOs on Wednesday.

NGOs which advocate LGBT rights have been calling for Dinoša's resignation for the past several months, after he voiced strong opposition to holding a pride parade in Montenegro.

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