Vučić on Prva TV: People in Serbia should be calm, we will try to maintain peace

The President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, was hosted tonight on the show "Prva theme" on Prva TV, where he spoke about the most current topics.

Izvor: B92

Thursday, 12.10.2023.


Vučić on Prva TV: People in Serbia should be calm, we will try to maintain peace

Vučić on Prva TV: People in Serbia should be calm, we will try to maintain peace

Vučić spoke about current important political and economic topics in the country and the world.

"People in Serbia should be calm, as we will try to keep the peace. Thanks to the strength of our country and our army, which if it were less powerful, we would not have had peace for a long time because many others would have taken actions against us. The most important thing is that I do not believe that there will be any kind of sanctions against us, and I see that there is a great rush both from the country and from abroad to take measures that would supposedly be directed against me personally, but people need not worry, and they will not feel anything personally, neither when it comes to visa, nor with regards to the standard of living nor anything else," said Vučić.

Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić spoke about the situation in Kosovo and Metohija.

"It is important for us to try to continue the dialogue, even though there is no substantive dialogue because Prishtina will not and does not want it. I would invite all the representatives of our people, in line with the changed circumstances, when they saw how Kurti abused it in the worst possible way, and if no one from the West looked back and said that this is not acceptable, I would ask our people to come up with initiatives to organize elections in 4 municipalities in the north of Kosovo and Metohija as soon as possible. That is my request, as I see things now. Let's go to the elections as soon as possible, and let Kurti say that he doesn't want elections and that it is democratic for someone with 3.4 percent to rule in the north of Kosovo. That's how we start the process of consolidation, let's see how to pass those basic levers of the authorities in the north of Kosovo into the hands of those who live there, not those who do not live there and will never live there," said Vučić.

He added that the Serbs left the institutions when Albin Kurti abolished them.

"By removing Mr. Djurić, he abolished the regional police force that existed in accordance with Article 9 of the Brussels Agreement. And then people abandoned it, not on their own whim as some in Serbia try to explain. And there is another key reason. For a decade, they have been waiting for the formation of the CSMs, and that Community did not exist. Despite the fact that it is clear to everyone why the Serbs in Kosovo rebelled, today no one will talk about it even in the domestic public, because they are running from one embassy to another, to say bad things about their own state, and that's the only thing they do," said Vučić.

He also pointed out that we have a responsible state leadership and that this is how we treat all problems.

"We have a responsible and serious state leadership. If you think I went to Granada to waste time, I didn't. I did my job hard and diligently. Many more difficult moments are ahead of us. Don't forget, 22 out of 27 EU countries recognized Kosovo. There are also the USA as the biggest power," Vučić assessed and added:

"It is not a problem in Viola von Cramon, they will always request moves to be taken against Serbia. It is a question of many from the inside who wish bad for their country".
The President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, also revealed the date of the election.

There will be elections by the end of the year - Vučić said and showed the opposition's letter requesting elections.

"With scheduling elections on December 17, we met all their demands. They asked for and got Belgrade and parliamentary elections. They will also have Vojvodina elections," said Vučić and added: "I understood their requests despite bad vocabulary and went out to meet them".

"Then, they had a coffee at the embassy and changed their minds in 5 minutes. And then they said - "Vučić is afraid because the Americans have banned him."

"Intelligent response from Ambassador Hill. They need to work on their English. Political literacy sometimes takes decades and sometimes doesn't end successfully. Anyway, the bottom line is that I'm a coward who can't call an election. Why is it important for the citizens to have elections? I think it is important when there is a false idea of a crisis of legitimacy of the authorities, then it is important to meet people. That people can say what they think about how Serbia is progressing, whether we are doing well or not, whether they want someone else or not. There is nothing more disgusting in politics than holding on to your seat when you do not have enough percentages of support of citizens, as they did - Pajtić, Tadić, Djilas, until the last moment they clung to the chairs just to stay in power for a few more days. What they cannot understand is that there are people who are not corrupt, but who have morals, want to be there, manage the country, only if they have the support of the people. And not because the legality allows them to do so. Legitimacy is the key. I was guided by the interest of the citizens. I believe that Serbia is at a turning point, that we need a second half. That we need to show what we have done and what we are going to do. When I say that pensions will be increased by so much and so much - you all know that it will be like that," said Vučić and added that the same is true for salaries, Belgrade Waterfront, mining, other projects...

"The people must express themselves. The people are the bearers of sovereignty. The people must know that we have completed one part of the difficult reforms. That Serbia started to develop quickly and strongly. That it succeeded in protecting the interests of our people west of the Drina, in Montenegro and wherever our people live in the territory of the former Yugoslavia," said Vučić.

"It is up to the people to say what kind of politics they want and I have no problem with that. Unlike them, I never made any scenes after the election and acknowledged the election result even if I lost by 0.3 percent. We will not go with them in government, we are not interested in staying in power and buying anyone. We are not interested in making empty and meaningless agreements about anything. We are interested in doing something for the citizens of Serbia and this country. If we can gain the trust of the citizens, that's fine, we can't, let someone else rule," said Vučić and added that he has no intention of going into hiding because he does not have any accounts abroad or real estate anywhere outside this country.

"And what are you going to take from me? My honor?" asked Vučić and stated what was successfully done in 11 years, and what the previous government did not do. As he says, it never occurs to him to run away and hide from anyone.

"I can't and won't be likeable to everyone. I'm not interested in survival, I'm interested in the result - says the president and adds that he has no problem being in the opposition."

Serbia is one of the three safest places in Europe

"Serbia is one of the three safest places in Europe. These are the official data of the Ministry of the Interior from 2000 to 2023. Murder and aggravated murder in 2001 - 215. Let's say in 2022 - 69. More than three times less," said Vučić, and then presented comparative statistics on other violent crimes.

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