"Edi Rama, a weird man..."

Pristina politician Muharrem Nitaj pointed out the request of Rama for KFOR to take control of the north is the same as the request of the President of Serbia.

Izvor: Kosovo online

Friday, 29.09.2023.


Tanjug/AP Photo/Mary Altaffer

"Edi Rama, a weird man..."

Pristina politician Muharrem Nitaj pointed out that the request of the Albanian Prime Minister for KFOR to take control of the north of Kosovo is the same as the request of the President of Serbia.

Nitaj, who is the general secretary of AAK, stated on Facebook that Rama had made such a request before, and that he had not consulted with the Kosovo authorities.

"Edi Rama, a weird man, requested that KFOR take control of the north of Kosovo. He made such a request at the NATO summit held some time ago. How is it possible to ask for something, not for yourself, but for others. He should have at least asked first is this a request of Kosovo", Nitaj pointed out.

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