ROSU invaded Štrpce - special forces blocked the municipality, operation ended PHOTO

The operation of more than 30 ROSU members in Štrpce ended and the policemen withdrew with their vehicles.

Izvor: B92

Thursday, 07.07.2022.


ROSU invaded Štrpce - special forces blocked the municipality, operation ended PHOTO

ROSU invaded Štrpce - special forces blocked the municipality, operation ended PHOTO

Multiple locations were searched. Documentation, computers and other equipment were taken from the headquarters of the interim authority of the municipality of Štrpce, which works in the system of the Government of Serbia.

The operation of ROSU members, which ended around noon, began this morning just before seven o'clock.

According to the latest information, there were no arrests. According to the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, ROSU units invaded with the aim of new intimidation and harassment of Serbs.

ROSU special forces were deployed to several locations, they blocked the entire municipality, they broke into the elementary school Šarski odred in Brezovica, the post office in the village of Drajkovce, they broke into and searched the building of the Provisional Authority from where they took all the documentation and computers, they broke into the Hertz TV building, the only Serbian-language television station in Štrpce.

They also climbed the flagpoles from where they are removing surveillance cameras that have not been working for several years.

"They again chose to invade Štrpce on a big holiday, considering that today the village's celebration is Saint John and the big fair in Štrpce, when a large number of locals gather, and they did the same during previous raids in this Serbian environment," the press release of the Office for KiM said. "Although the units from Pristina know very well that the cameras, which were legally installed almost ten years ago, have not been in operation for a long time and they checked this on several occasions in the previous days, this served as an excuse for them to invade Štrpce again, to harass the people and disrupt their normal activities. With what justification do special forces ROSU break into the Serbian elementary school in Štrpce", they add.

As they say, there is no doubt that there is a new attack and pressure on the Serbs to leave their doorstep because there is no justified reason for a new ROSU operation in this Serbian environment.

The official explanation

The Prosecutor of the Prosecutor's Office in Uroševac, Rasim Maloku, told the Kaldzo portal that the ROSU operation in Štrpce has been taking place since this morning on the order of the Prosecutor's Office and the court in Uroševac.

Maloku explained that a "raid" is underway at four locations from which security cameras are being removed. He stated that the operation is not directly related to the investigation of illegal construction in Brezovica, but that it refers to some of those arrested in that case, reports Kosovo Online.

Maloku claims that one of the arrested, the former mayor of the municipality, Bratislav Nikolić, is a "coordinator of illegal structures", and that these structures "operated security cameras that monitored the movements of citizens and institutions of Kosovo and that information was forwarded to security structures in Serbia".

As reported by Kaldzo, dozens of files that were located in the offices of the former "parallel bodies of Serbia" in this municipality were confiscated.

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