Russian Ambassador: "Vucic thinks the same as the Serbian people"

Russian Ambassador to Serbia Alexander Botsan Kharchenko said he receives letters of support re: Russia's intention to conduct a military operation in Ukraine.

Izvor: B92

Thursday, 31.03.2022.


Russian Ambassador:
Printskrin TV Prva

Russian Ambassador: "Vucic thinks the same as the Serbian people"

He said that there is no Russophobia in Serbia. “Neither has ever been nor will be,” he said.

Kharchenko said that nothing had changed in Serbia in the plans of the Russian embassy, as well as that cultural events were being held normally.

He said that when he was on the train to Novi Sad with the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, despite the protocol, people approached him and it was obvious that a large number of people were showing solidarity with Russia.

Asked to comment on the statement of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Sergey Lavrov, that Moscow is sure that Serbia will remain consistent with its position on the situation in Ukraine, Kharchenko said that the message was quite clear and unambiguous.

"The message was sent to everyone, no special explanation is needed. The message was sent to the Serbian people, it is quite clear, we have the support of the Serbian people," he said.

Speaking about the attitude of the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, towards the military operation in Ukraine, Kharchenko said that the position of the President of Serbia coincides with the majority of the position of the Serbian people, and that is absolute support.

"He has very strong moral principles, which is very important, he is very friendly towards Russia. It is normal for the president to listen to the voice of the people, but this is his moral attitude, which completely coincides with the attitude of most people," he said.

He added that this is precisely why President Vučić is the president, because he thinks of his people. He added that Vučić does not hide his attitude towards Russia, and that this is his moral and personal attitude, which Russia especially appreciates.

Speaking about the conflicts in Ukraine and the announcements that Belgrade could be the capital of future war negotiations between Russia and Ukraine, he said that for now it is only in the announcement, without official confirmations.

Asked to comment on the US President's call for regime change in Russia, Kharchenko said that he was aware of Western pressure on the regime in Serbia, but that he expected the people to give their opinion on the elections, and that everyone must respect the will of the people showed in the election.

"Every attempt to change the regime in the way resembling Maidan revolution is condemnable, and I firmly believe that it will not happen in Serbia," he concluded.

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