Pristina in panic; What if the U.S. troops leave Kosovo?

Self-Determination Movement MP Haki Abazi assessed that there should be no fear in Kosovo of a possible withdrawal of American troops.

Izvor: Kosovo online

Tuesday, 17.08.2021.


Pristina in panic; What if the U.S. troops leave Kosovo?
EPA-EFE Kushtrim Ternava

Pristina in panic; What if the U.S. troops leave Kosovo?

That fear was felt by all the countries on whose territory the U.S. mission is located at the moment when the capital of Afghanistan was conquered before the eyes of the world, practically without a shot being fired.

"Americans are not tired of staying in South Korea and in European Union bases, but they can't fight 70 percent of the population who don't support a foreign agenda, so there's no need to fear that the United States could withdraw from Kosovo because there are no parallels," Abazi said.

Abazi also spoke about his experience in Afghanistan, where he worked for USAID for three years.

"I went there in 2003, and in 2006 I finished my mission with USAID and continued my work, especially with President Ghani, where part of the program was building lasting peace," Abazi said on the "Special Edition" show on Klan Kosova TV.

He says that the last time he was in Afghanistan was in 2018, but, according to him, the situation was different there. According to Abazi, the Taliban were a product of the war against the Soviet Union, and in that period they were called "Mujahideen".

"The Taliban is a political organization, later transformed to a military one. The Taliban refer to the students who took up arms in the fight against the Soviet Union," Abazi concluded.

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