Grenell: Amazing night in Belgrade, Serbs singing "Sweet home Alabama" VIDEO

The special envoy of the US President for the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, Richard Grenell, shared his impressions from the dinner in Belgrade.

Izvor: B92

Wednesday, 23.09.2020.


Grenell: Amazing night in Belgrade, Serbs singing
Tanjug/AP Photo/Darko Vojinovic

Grenell: Amazing night in Belgrade, Serbs singing "Sweet home Alabama" VIDEO

Namely, he was at a dinner with the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, and members of the Serbian and American delegations, and he wrote on Twitter that it was an incredible night.

"Serbs and Americans in Belgrade singing about Alabama and West Virginia, an amazing night," Grenell wrote, and posted videos from the ship where dinner was held with the sounds of "Country Roads" and "Sweet Home Alabama".

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