Vucic: I expect that Serbia will become a member of the European Union by 2026
Today, the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, is visiting Brussels, where he is meeting with high representatives of the European Union.
Friday, 26.06.2020.

Vucic: I expect that Serbia will become a member of the European Union by 2026
He addressed public in front of the Serbian Embassy in Brussels.Vucic said that talks were held about important things that he talked about directly.
"It seemed to me that we had a very important conversation. One of the essential things in our policy must be about accelerating European integration, which I discussed today with the EU High Representatives", he said.
He announced the continuation of the dialogue and the acceleration of Serbia's European integration.
"We expect the continuation of the dialogue soon, and prior to that, the Summit will be attended by representatives of the two countries important for the continuation of the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, but also our integration. I think the essence of Serbia and the EU is how to speed up Serbia's European path guarantees from the EU, that if it meets the conditions, it will get the green light to join EU", he said.
He stated that he was in communication with Lajcak on a daily basis and that he had talked with him about relations with Pristina.
"The most important thing for us is to be restrained. We know that terrible crimes have taken place. It is good that there is justice for them, but with restraining from other comment, we are protecting our people in Kosovo. It is easy for us in Belgrade and difficult for people in Strpce and other places", Vucic stated.
Vucic expects that by 2026, Serbia will become a member of the European Union.
"I am convinced that we are entering the new phase of relations with the EU with optimism. I believe that we will complete negotiations with the EU by the end of the new government's mandate, which means that it would be realistic to become an EU member state by 2026. That is my opinion, my hope", he said.
He conveyed that there were talks on infrastructural connections within the region, as well as on the financial means that would belong to Serbia in the coming period from the so-called two "pockets" of the EU.
"IPA funds are one thing, and not a small amount of money. The second is guarantee schemes, that is, guarantees, which is also a lot of money, "he explained, adding that the third thing is projects for the entire region, since the EU's idea is to connect all the capitals of the Balkans by highway.
According to him, it is a combination of what the Berlin Process represented from the beginning.
"These are things that are of essential importance to us, but talks with Pristina are of key importance so that we can expect that financial aid", Vucic said.
He indicated that he expects talks with Pristina to continue in two to three weeks.
He conveyed that he talked with EU officials about the situation in Pristina, what we can expect and what their conditions might look like.
He pointed out that he also talked with the EU Special Envoy for dialogue Miroslav Lajčák about all important topics and that now, after the visit to Belgrade, they established communication on a daily basis.
He said that the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, was very prepared for the meeting and that he was grateful to her for the attention she paid to Serbia.
He said that he invited her to visit Serbia and expressed his belief that she would do it before the end of the year, when the coronavirus crisis passes.
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