Vucic: If you're young and healthy ... PHOTO

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic last night called on all those not at risk for the coronavirus to sign up to volunteer

Izvor: Tanjug

Thursday, 26.03.2020.


Vucic: If you're young and healthy ... PHOTO
Foto: EPA EFE Koca Sulejmanovic

Vucic: If you're young and healthy ... PHOTO

"If you are not at risk, you are young and healthy, you have free time and you want to help the vulnerable categories of the population, you can now do so by signing up for a new unique system for registering volunteers in Serbia," Vucic wrote on his Instagram account "avucic", with the hashtag of BeVolunteer.

The President emphasized that in the coming days, when it is necessary for the most vulnerable to stay in their homes in order not to become infected with the virus, the help of volunteers is very important.

"Together we can win! Together we can do anything," Vucic wrote on his avucic Instagram account.

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