KFOR launches "some exercise" in northern Kosovo

KFOR spokesperson Vincenzo Grasso told Tanjug on Monday that the exercises announced for the next days in northern Kosovo have already begun.

Izvor: B92

Tuesday, 27.11.2018.


KFOR launches

KFOR launches "some exercise" in northern Kosovo

"The exercises are already in progress, but it is not any special or military activity, it's about the movements of our vehicles, patrols, to be more visible. So there are no military activities, these are not exercises like those you had in Serbia," said Grasso .

Asked why the exercises are being launched now, the spokesperson said that there was "no special reason", and as for how long they are planned to lat, Grasso did not have a precise answer and only said that it should be "the coming days."

Some hours ago, KFOR posted the following message on Facebook:

"In the following days KFOR is going to conduct some exercise in Northern Kosovo.
KFOR troops will move and deploy along the major roads in accordance with their mandate under the UNSCR 1244.
This is a normal training activity, not related to any specific threat or concern.
The situation is under control and KFOR continue protecting all citizens in Kosovo, as it has done since 1999."

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