Vucic: "If we don't do it, who will?"

Serbian president Aleksandar Vucic confirmed in an official press release that he met with Kosovo president Hashim Thaci on Friday in Vienna.

Izvor: O2

Monday, 27.08.2018.



Vucic: "If we don't do it, who will?"

Vucic said that "a possible agreement between Belgrade and Pristina concerns only Serbs and Albanians." "We have to try and live together, we are the two largest groups of people in the Balkans. If we can't solve this, who will?" Vucic said.

He pointed out that Serbian-Albanian agreement would represent a significant achievement for the region and called for UN support for the process.

Thaci said that Kosovo and Serbia now "have a small window of opportunity for reaching a legally binding agreement."

"No one should be afraid of a potential "peace agreement" with Serbia even if it involved border correction," Thaci said.

That is exactly the thing that bothers UK.

Commenting the British Ambassador to Serbia, Dennis Keefe's statement that border correction brings a huge risk and price, Vucic asked 'if so, why did they change borders in 2008?"

A new chance to reconcile differences Vucic and Thaci will have in another round of dialogue on September 7 in Brussels.

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