SPC to hold a special meeting about Kosovo and Metohija?

Serbian Orthodox Church (SPC) is actively considering a special meeting of the Holy Assembly of Bishops with Kosovo and Metohija as the main topic.

Izvor: Tanjug

Saturday, 25.08.2018.


SPC to hold a special meeting about Kosovo and Metohija?

SPC to hold a special meeting about Kosovo and Metohija?

The Church's position, announced after the May meeting, is that Serbia must not lose Kosovo.

TheHoly Synod of Bishops of the Serbian Orthodox Church could make the decision about the special meeting at the regular meeting on August 30. If the Archbishops agree, the meeting would certainly take place after the Serbian President, Aleksandar Vucic, visits Kosovo and Metohija at the beginning of September and his subsequent meetings with the world leaders.

It's hard to estimate how the public's mood in Kosovo and Metohija and what Vucic says there will affect the Archbishops discussion but it could affect how strongly the Church defends its position.

The Church's position encompasses only what the Holy Synod or Holy Assembly conclude or what the Serbian Patriarch declares, though he is only the first among equals.

All statements issued by other church dignitaries, bishops and abbots of the SPC are considered their personal attitudes, though the public doesn't always see it that way.

Namely, the recent statements of the Bishop of Raska and Prizren, and Kosovo and Metohija, Teodosije, the current head of the Serbian Orthodox Church in Montenegro, bishop Amfilohije and SPC monastery Visoki Decani Abbot Sava Janjic drew the public's attention.

Serbian Church hasn't officially commented their statements. According to Tanjug's sources, the Church 'doesn't care much' about them but they don't exclude the option that they might be brought up in future meetings.

Serbian Patriarch has recently repeated his position on not giving up on Kosovo and Metohija but hasn't openly commented or criticized President Vucic's proposals and policy about it.

The frequent encounters between Vucic and the Patriarch Irinej and their mutual respect and understanding strengthen the impression the patriarch won' t impede President's search for compromise solution with Pristina.

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