Thaci: No partition of Kosovo, no autonomy for Serbs

According to Kosovo President Hashim Thaci "there will be no partition of Kosovo and no autonomy for Serbs."

Izvor: Beta

Wednesday, 08.08.2018.


Thaci: No partition of Kosovo, no autonomy for Serbs
(EPA-EFE, file)

Thaci: No partition of Kosovo, no autonomy for Serbs

And at the same time, "there would be no partition of Kosovo nor autonomy for Kosovo Serbs," he said.

"We should make maximum efforts to finally reach a final peace agreement. I am determined to reach an agreement and, following the requests of the (ethnic Albanian) representatives of the Presevo valley, I proposed a correction of the border with Serbia as the only possibility to legitimize the demands of the Presevo valley. That means no to partition of Kosovo, not to autonomy for Serbs," Thaci said.

According to him, "the correction of the border" implies adding Presevo, Bujanovac and Medvedja - three municipalities in the southern part of central Serbia to Kosovo "completely" - and this should be "a transparent and peaceful process between Serbia and Kosovo."

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