"Clear signal needed in response to attacks on journalists"

OSCE mission in Serbia chief Andrea Orizio says that institutions in Serbia must send a clear signal that attacks on journalists would not be tolerated.

Izvor: Beta

Thursday, 15.06.2017.



"Clear signal needed in response to attacks on journalists"

Australian Ambassador to Serbia Julia Feeney said she believed cooperation between the police, the prosecution and the journalists was crucial for the safe work of journalists, and advocated the prompt implementation of the agreement.

Every attack on a journalist is an attack on the freedom of expression, and the media must not be stifled, but encouraged to do their work responsibly. No democratic society may treat journalists as enemies, but as an important pillar of democratic society. Investigative and critical journalism is the foundation of any democratic society that strives for prosperity, Feeney said.

President of the Independent Journalists' Association of Vojvodina Nedim Sejdinovic said that journalists' and media associations had great expectations from this agreement, and that they still did.

"We are encouraged by the fact that the OSCE mission joined in the realization of the agreement, and we expect other international factors to join , too," Sejdinovic said.

The conference was organized by the Independent Journalists' Association of Vojvodina, the OSCE and the embassy of Australia in Belgrade.

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