Vucic attacked, hit with stones in Srebrenica (video)
PM Aleksandar Vucic and his delegation have been attacked with stones and other objects during their visit to the Srebrenica memorial complex in Potocari.
Saturday, 11.07.2015.

Vucic attacked, hit with stones in Srebrenica (video)
As sources from the Serbian delegation have said, the prime minster was hit with a stone in the face, when his glasses were broken.Some individuals from the mass that gathered at Potocari attacked the security of the Serbian delegation in an attempt to reach Vucic, and this led to a physical altercation between them.

In an attempt to protect Vucic, his security "opened bulletproof bags," according to reports.
The police intervened and confronted the attackers. The Serbian delegation was evacuated.
"Attempted murder"
Serbian Interior Minister Nebojsa Stefanovic has condemned in the strongest terms the incident in Potocari describing it as "attempted murder."He told TV Pink that Bosnia "had not fulfilled even the minimum of what it was under obligation to do to for the security of the Serbian prime minister," and that Serbia would send "the strongest protest" over "the scandalous act."
Serb Republic (RS) Interior Minister Dragan Lukac said earlier in the day that Vucic was struck several times by stones and that his glasses were broken.
Lukac added that "what we expected and warned about just happened."
He said that the Serbian delegation was successfully evacuated towards Skelani, on the Serbian border.
Lukac also stated that "Slovenian President Borut Pahor suffered a similar attack, but was also protected by the police and safely escorted to the police station in Srebrenica."
Vucic attends commemoration

The prime minister previously visited a photo exhibition dubbed Srebrenica-Potocari 1995-2015 at the Memorial Hall and signed the book of condolences in the presence of a large number of media.
"I hope that such a terrible crime will not happen again. Confident of a different, better future in relations between Serbs and Bosniaks, I express my deepest respect for all the victims and their families," Vucic stated.
"Here in Srebrenica each one of us has to bow our head, not forget, and start building a different future," he wrote in the book of condolences.
While the prime minister was entering the hall, a group of people who gathered there booed and protested, but the women, whose relatives were killed in Srebrenica, shook his hand, while one of them even hugged him.
Members of the Mothers of Srebrenica association welcomed Vucic and had a conversation with him. Hatidze Mehmedovic put a flower on the prime minister's lapel and said: "This is a symbol of suffering. We ask you on behalf of our youth to help Bosnia-Herzegovina become a functional country. We kindly ask you that in the name of these tombstones.”
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