Audit of financial reports of parties to start in June

The State Audit Institution (DRI) will start auditing the financial reports of political parties at the beginning of June.

Izvor: Tanjug

Monday, 18.05.2015.


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Radoslav Sretenovic (Beta)

Audit of financial reports of parties to start in June

At a session of the Serbian parliamentary committee on finance, budget and public spending control, Sretenovic said that the DRI will inform both the committee members and the public what parties will be included in the audit as the public has high expectations from it.

By June 1, the DRI plans to issue conclusions on the process of auditing certain political parties pursuant to the precise criteria whereby the entities to be audited are determined.

"In May and June we will boost staff numbers in this sector, as we are also bound to do by the Anti-Corruption Strategy, which requires us to boost staff numbers in this sector," Sretenovic said.

Sretenovic said that the DRI last year completed the first audit of the use of official vehicles and that an audit of the way state-owned real estate property is managed is underway and should be complete in mid-July.

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