Minister says "it seems" ombudsman's friend was killed

Serbian Defense Minister Bratislav Gasic has told reporters that he "has no new information about <a href="" class="text-link" target= "_blank">the death of Predrag Gojkovic</a>."

Izvor: B92

Wednesday, 06.05.2015.


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Bratislav Gasic (Beta, file)

Minister says "it seems" ombudsman's friend was killed

Gojkovic was a friend of now Serbian Ombudsman Sasa Jankovic, who in 1993 committed suicide while in his apartment.

Asked why he said that Gojkovic was killed - considering that the case has been ruled a suicide - Gasic on Wednesday stated he had no new information, but made that conclusion based on what Gojkovic's parents have been saying during the past days.

"(From) what I read, it seemed that way. After all the man was either killed or he committed suicide. I'm not prejudicing anything, I'm merely asking, as a citizen, for the case to be clarified," said the minister.

Jankovic has told B92 that he did not wish to comment on the "open letter" that Gasic published on Tuesday.

The minister and official of the ruling SNS party asked Jankovic "to stop presenting untruths about the VBA (military security agency)," and then, in the second part of the letter, "as a citizen," asked the ombudsman "how Predrag Gojkovic was killed."

"That is not a question for me, the investigation is finished, but I don't decide on that," Jankovic told B92.

He also noted that the support he received from the UN "means that world organizations have been alarmed" and that "it will depend on the answer to that fact what kind of society we are."

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