Assange: Serbia is country where future happens first

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange spoke for B92 TV to say that Serbia is "constantly misrepresented" abroad, and "sometimes by Serbians themselves."

Izvor: B92

Monday, 07.04.2014.


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Assange: Serbia is country where future happens first

"This is not a position of weakness, but a position of strength," Assange said in a video message recorded at the Ecuadorian embassy in London, where he has been stranded for the past two years.

Assange spoke about his book, "Cypherpunks," which has had a Serbian language edition, to say that it was "a conversation between himself and three others involved in the long fight against technological totalitarianism."

"It is a book about how the internet is at once our greatest liberator, and also our greatest potential enslaver," said Assange.

The video message was broadcast in the "24 Hours with Zoran Kesić" show on Sunday:

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