Prime minister accused of "blackmailing" Progressives

The United Regions of Serbia believe that PM Ivica Dačić has demonstrated that he was "not fighting for the state and the people" - but for himself.

Izvor: Beta

Wednesday, 31.07.2013.


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BELGRADE The United Regions of Serbia believe that PM Ivica Dacic has demonstrated that he was "not fighting for the state and the people" - but for himself. "This is the political reality that we find devastating. The URS will act as constructive opposition that will support any suggestion that is good for the state and the citizens," spokesman Marko Selakovic told Beta. Prime minister accused of "blackmailing" Progressives The party led by Mladjan Dinkic reacted in this way on Wednesday, after Dacic asked for them to be excluded from the reshuffled cabinet, and the Progressives (SNS) accepted this. The spokesman added that the URS "understood completely" the decision made by the Progressives, and that the party considers it "the only rational move at this point in time." "The URS and our ministers in the government had exceptional cooperation both with Aleksandar Vucic and the SNS, and it is clear to us that at this point Ivica Dacic has the mechanisms to blackmail the SNS, in part with the parliamentary majority, in part with the obligations that the state of Serbia undertook according to the Brussels agreement," Selakovic was quoted as saying. Beta

Prime minister accused of "blackmailing" Progressives

The party led by Mlađan Dinkić reacted in this way on Wednesday, after Dačić asked for them to be excluded from the reshuffled cabinet, and the Progressives (SNS) accepted this.

The spokesman added that the URS "understood completely" the decision made by the Progressives, and that the party considers it "the only rational move at this point in time."

"The URS and our ministers in the government had exceptional cooperation both with Aleksandar Vučić and the SNS, and it is clear to us that at this point Ivica Dačić has the mechanisms to blackmail the SNS, in part with the parliamentary majority, in part with the obligations that the state of Serbia undertook according to the Brussels agreement," Selaković was quoted as saying.

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