Seven years since end of NATO bombing

The NATO-led bombing of Yugoslavia came to an end on this day seven years ago.

Izvor: B92

Friday, 09.06.2006.


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Seven years since end of NATO bombing

The agreement was signed in Macedonia by NATO General Michael Jackson and deputy chief of the Yugoslav Military’s Supreme Command, Svetozar Marjanović.

“A peace agreement was signed. The war has ended. The politics of peace which Yugoslavia leads have prevailed, as has its president Slobodan Milosevic.” Marjanović said then.

The Yugoslav Army pulled out of Kosovo after the signing of a UN resolution and the first international forces enter the territory of Kosovo from Macedonia on June 12, 1999. The troops of KFOR numbered about 37,200, with soldiers from 36 nations, 30,000 of which were from NATO member countries.

The attacks lasted eleven weeks and, according to various estimates, in between 1,200 and 2,500 people were killed. Many buildings, businesses, schools, health centres, media headquarters and cultural monuments were severely damaged or destroyed. A group of economists from the G17 Plus party has estimated the total damages to be about 29.6 billion dollars.

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