Tomislav Nikolić wins in presidential runoff

Presidential candidate Tomislav Nikolić has won the presidential runoff with 50.21percent of the votes, the Republic Electoral Commission (RIK) has announced.

Izvor: B92

Sunday, 20.05.2012.


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Presidential candidate Tomislav Nikolic has won the presidential runoff with 50.21percent of the votes, the Republic Electoral Commission (RIK) has announced. His opponent Boris Tadic received 46.77 percent, it was said late on Sunday. Tomislav Nikolic wins in presidential runoff The commission's results are based on 52.51 percent of the polling stations processed so far. Dragan Vukmirovic, head of the State Statistical Office, told a news conference that Nikolic was supported by 647,855 voters, while Tadic won the support of 603,579 citizens who turned out to vote today. The turnout was 46,87 percent, while 3,03 percent of ballots were invalid, Vukmirovic added. The commission will publish its final and official results of the second round of presidential elections within 96 hours after the closing of the polling stations. Earlier in the evening, the Center for Democracy and Free Elections (CeSID) said that based on results from 99 percent of the polling stations, leader of the Serb Progressive Party (SNS) Tomislav Nikolic had won the runoff with 49.8 percent of the vote, against Tadic's 47 percent. DS party leader Tadic - who served as the country's president for two terms since 2004 - has conceded defeat, and congratulated Nikolic on his victory. According to a Tanjug news agency report, Tadic also said that he "will certainly not be the next prime minister". Nikolic's supporters celebrate his victory (Tanjug) B92 Tanjug

Tomislav Nikolić wins in presidential runoff

The commission's results are based on 52.51 percent of the polling stations processed so far.

Dragan Vukmirović, head of the State Statistical Office, told a news conference that Nikolić was supported by 647,855 voters, while Tadić won the support of 603,579 citizens who turned out to vote today.

The turnout was 46,87 percent, while 3,03 percent of ballots were invalid, Vukmirović added.

The commission will publish its final and official results of the second round of presidential elections within 96 hours after the closing of the polling stations.

Earlier in the evening, the Center for Democracy and Free Elections (CeSID) said that based on results from 99 percent of the polling stations,
leader of the Serb Progressive Party (SNS) Tomislav Nikolić had won the runoff with 49.8 percent of the vote, against Tadić's 47 percent.

DS party leader Tadić - who served as the country's president for two terms since 2004 - has conceded defeat, and congratulated Nikolić on his victory.

According to a Tanjug news agency report, Tadić also said that he "will certainly not be the next prime minister".

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