Number of asylum seekers from Serbia decreases

The number of Serbian citizens seeking asylum in Germany has more than halved in April, the German Interior Ministry has stated.

Izvor: Tanjug

Friday, 18.05.2012.


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The number of Serbian citizens seeking asylum in Germany has more than halved in April, the German Interior Ministry has stated. According to the ministry's website, 148 Serbian citizens requested asylum in April, while there were 308 such requests in March and 399 in February. Number of asylum seekers from Serbia decreases That puts Serbia at 6th place among the top 10 nations that most often seek asylum in Germany. The federal immigration and refugee service received a total of 3,181 asylum requests in April, which is 11.7 percent less than in March, but 7.5 percent more than in the same period last year, the statement says. There were 15,482 requests from January to April, or 11.6 percent more than in the same time last year. Serbian citizens accounted for 1,562 of those requests, making Serbia the 3rd most common country of origin of asylum seekers, behind Afghanistan and Iraq. Germany granted refugee status to 2,745 people between January and April, while 187 received asylum. (Beta, file) Tanjug

Number of asylum seekers from Serbia decreases

That puts Serbia at 6th place among the top 10 nations that most often seek asylum in Germany.

The federal immigration and refugee service received a total of 3,181 asylum requests in April, which is 11.7 percent less than in March, but 7.5 percent more than in the same period last year, the statement says.

There were 15,482 requests from January to April, or 11.6 percent more than in the same time last year.

Serbian citizens accounted for 1,562 of those requests, making Serbia the 3rd most common country of origin of asylum seekers, behind Afghanistan and Iraq.

Germany granted refugee status to 2,745 people between January and April, while 187 received asylum.

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