Serbia accepted into Partnership for Peace

A decision was made at the NATO summit in Riga for allowing Serbia to unconditionally join the Partnership for Peace.

Izvor: B92

Wednesday, 29.11.2006.


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Serbia accepted into Partnership for Peace

Even though it was announced that Serbia and Bosnia-Herzegovina will be accepted conditionally for a period of one year, the official document does not mention any conditions.

The document stresses that Belgrade and Sarajevo are expected to continue cooperation with the Hague Tribunal.

Southeast European Stability Pact official Goran Svilanović told B92 early this morning that Serbia would become a member of the Partnership for Peace by the end of the day.

“The final document is being discussed now, but there has already been an agreement for the entrance of Serbia, the same goes for Bosnia-Herzegovina and Montenegro." he said.

Svilanović said that the formulation of the decision is left, which will determine the relations according to cooperation with the Tribunal for a period of one year.

“A formulation is being asked to appease some countries that have reservations, mainly Holland. But we can say that there has been an agreement for Serbia becoming a member of the Partnership for Peace today.” Svilanović said.

NATO officials did not want to deny nor confirm the reports last night.

Serbian Foreign Minister Vuk Drašković told B92 that he expects good news from Riga.

“The US is seriously looking into its firm stance, as is France, and it seems that there is only one country left that is opposed to Serbia joining the Partnership. I believe that an agreement will be reached and that an invitation will arrive. If it does not happen at the summit itself, it will arrive very shortly.” Drašković said.

However, US President George Bush did not mention Serbia as a country that would be nearing the Partnership any time soon.

“Officials will let it be known that the doors of NATO are open, and at the next meting we will send invitations to the countries that are ready for membership. Today, Croatia, Macedonia and Albanian are participating in an action plan, and the US supports their aspirations for joining the North-Atlantic Alliance.” Bush said.

A political signal to Serbia

NATO Secretary General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer said at a press conference that today’s decisions sent a very important message to the region.

“Of course, the Alliance wants to send a political signal to Serbia. We have thought for a long time that this should be done, but it was not so easy in Serbia’s case.” Scheffer said, mentioning the ever-present Hague cooperation problems. “NATO has shown its support to Martti Ahtisaari to be the special envoy for Kosovo. I think that it is important for Serbia to receive a good signal that it is an important player in the region and that NATO believes that it is important to have strong political ties with Serbia, which will be achieved through the Partnership for Peace.” Scheffer said.

Tribunal upset

The Hague Tribunal responded to the decision immediately.

It stated that the international court is dissatisfied with NATO’s decision to offer Serbian membership into the partnership.

Hague spokesperson Anton Nikiforov said that Chief Prosecutor Carla Del Ponte does not see this decision as helping in the efforts to arrest and extradite the Hague’s most-wanted fugitive Ratko Mladic.

Tadić welcomes decision

Serbian President Boris Tadić said that the news of acceptance into the Partnership for Peace is good news for the citizens and military of Serbia, along with the entire country.

“After lengthy reforms, which lasted since 2003 to today, in the past couple of months, and especially in the last few days, thanks to strong diplomatic activity, the efforts have finally paid off, and we have been accepted into the Partnership for Peace.” Tadić said.

He said that all potential investors are looking for Serbia to enter the World Trade Organization, the European Union and the Partnership for Peace.

“Finally we can say to all that want to open new places of work here and secure a better life for our citizens that Serbia is in the Partnership for Peace and that that is a sure and secure guarantee for their investments.” Tadić said.

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