Ahtisaari’s comments continue to upset Serbia
Leon Kojen said that Martti Ahtisaari’s recent comments are “completely unexpected” for someone in his position.
Sunday, 03.09.2006.
Ahtisaari’s comments continue to upset Serbia
“This statement lacks any factual basis and clearly shows that Ahtisaari is willing to say anything negative about Serbs rather than stick to the truth and look for an agreement to solve the Kosovo conflict.” Kojen said.“Ahtisaari’s chief spokesperson Hua Jiang once again claims that the UN Special Envoy’s statements were misunderstood, stating that this time, the imagination of the Serbian negotiation team has crossed every line.
“”What I read, was an English translation of a discussion in Finnish where he said ‘rattling of sabres,’ which has nothing to do with weapons or war. To us, everything is perfectly clear and we have nothing else to add.” Jiang said.
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