Waiting for cheap flights
None of the low-cost airliners operates from Belgrade since they don’t have the necessary permits.
Saturday, 19.08.2006.
Waiting for cheap flights
“To fly charters you need a plane and 200,000 dollars worth of dinars in the bank account. To fly regular traffic, you need to have 400,000. As far as I know, Centavia intends to qualify for the latter soon. As for Ryan Air, they expressed an interest to fly from Serbia last year, but were inquiring after cheap airports, such as the one in Batajnica. Our Directorate representatives have made a visit to the Batajnica airport and made recommendations as to what needs to be done before that airport can be issued a license”, Vukašinović said.Tickets for the Belgrade-Bonn flights can be booked online at the German Wings website. However, whether you will end up buying a cheaper or a more expensive ticket depends on when you purchase it. If you book for September, the return tickets cost 130 euros before taxes, while the March price drops to 94 euros, taxes included.
Even though they are sill without the license to fly regular traffic flights, Centavia says they will start low cost flights to Italy, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Slovakia and Slovenia in September. Most of the tickets will be on offer online, but many Serbian citizens still do no use the internet, much less have a hard currency credit card to be able to purchase the ticket in the first place.
In the EU countries, low cost system took off, with plane capacity usage at 90 to 95 per cent – a major precondition for the system to succeed.
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