The boy from the liquidation list revealed gruesome details of the massacre

The boy who was on the K.K. list gave a statement to the media, in which he described in detail how the killing of his comrades went.

Izvor: Blic

Thursday, 04.05.2023.


The boy from the liquidation list revealed gruesome details of the massacre

The boy from the liquidation list revealed gruesome details of the massacre

"When I heard that I was on the list, I was shocked. I don't know how we will sit in the benches again, it was traumatic for me. The bodies of my friends were falling everywhere. I don't know if I will ever return to school," said for "Blic" the boy who was on the list of K.K. (13) who yesterday killed eight of his peers and a guard from the "Vladislav Ribnikar" school in Vračar.

He said that he went to the class with the boy-murderer, which, he says, was actually his main target, while he hit the teacher so that she could not stop him.

"When he entered, he hit the teacher in the neck so that she could not stop him, because he had nothing against the teacher. She was good with him, telling him he had to do a test. He was a good student in all subjects. He didn't have bad grades. He didn't brag about going to the shooting range, he was silent the whole time, he was withdrawn," said the boy who survived.

"Those who were not on the list, and he shot them, he did not associate with them. No one insulted him or argued with him. It's like he randomly decided, now I'm going to do it. All my friends were on the list", this boy continues.

As he explains, the students first thought it was a firecracker, and when Kosta entered, he just started shooting.

"His face was angry. He was cold-blooded, as if he had a plan to kill everyone. He didn't say anything. Everyone was silent, they screamed and then they fell silent. I was in that classroom. He shot the teacher, turns around, shoots the first row. I don't know what happened next, because when I saw him, I jumped out of the window with the other boy," said this boy.

According to him, most of the children on the list pretended to be dead, some ran away, and K.K. didn't know it.

"Someone was not at school. My friend told me that he also shot at his friends who were lying on the ground to check on them. My friend later ran away", he continues.

He claims that K.K. was never insulted by anyone from that class. "When he transferred to our class, he told us that other children teased him, to which we told him to relax and that we would hang out with him. He was accepted in our class, better than anyone else", claims this boy.

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