"Light shed on murder of journalist Milan Pantic"

16 years after the murder of Milan Pantic, Vecernje Novosti's correspondent from Jagodina, the police probe has at long last been finished, says Veran Matic.

Izvor: N1

Thursday, 08.06.2017.



"Light shed on murder of journalist Milan Pantic"

Matic said that the investigation showed that evidence has been collected about those who order the murder, that light has been shed on their motives, and that Pantic was killed because of his work as a journalist and because of his investigative articles about corruption and crime in the town of Jagodina, and that part of Serbia.

A detailed report, Matic told Cenzolovka, was submitted ten days ago by the police to the competent prosecutor in Jagodina, who is now expected to "as soon as possible make some appropriate decisions and take action in accordance with their legal authority."

In other words - possibly launch a prosecutorial investigation.

"Pantic's liquidation is directly linked to his journalistic work in 1999, 2000, until June 11, 2001. The murder is linked to his professional engagement, the topics he chose, his investigative journalism that he did in his hometown. At the beginning of the work of the Commission, for the first time all of Pantic's articles were collected and systematized and analyzed, in order to define the possible motives and clues. The analysis of his work has helped define more clearly the motives (for the murder). He certainly left a very persuasive professional trace, also when it comes to the fight against corruption," said Matic.

The Commission's members, he continued, found this a particularly important case - because it was "a brutal liquidation of a testimony of corruption, at a time when a democratically elected, pro-democratic government was in power."

Milan Pantic was murdered in front of his home in Jagodina on June 11, 2001, by blunt force trauma inflicted to his head.

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