20 years prison for Ovčara first-accused

The Belgrade District Court has sentenced first-accused Miroljub Vujović to 20 years for war crimes committed in Ovčara, near Vukovar, in 1991.

Izvor: B92

Thursday, 12.03.2009.


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The Belgrade District Court has sentenced first-accused Miroljub Vujovic to 20 years for war crimes committed in Ovcara, near Vukovar, in 1991. Of his 18 co-accused, five were acquitted and the rest sentenced to between 5 and 15 years behind bars . 20 years prison for Ovcara first-accused The War Crimes Trial Chamber of the Belgrade District Court issued verdicts against members of the former Vukovar Territorial Defense, charged with shooting Croatian prisoners-of-war at the Grabovo pit in Ovcara on the night of Nov. 20/21, 1991. Eighteen members of the former Vukovar Territorial Defense and its units were accused of the crime, which claimed the lives of about 200 Croatian prisoners. The retrial, which was ordered after the Serbian Supreme Court overturned the first-instance verdict in December 2006, began in March 2008. The first-instance ruling at the end of 2005 found 14 of 16 accused guilty of war crimes at Ovcara and sentenced them to a total of 231 years in prison. The Supreme Court overturned the verdict in December 2006 and, a few months later, also overturned the verdict against defendant Sasa Radak, who had initially been sentenced to 20 years. Vukovar Territorial Defense Commander Miroljub Vujovic, his deputy, Stanko Vujanovic, commander of the Leva Supoderica volunteer unit Milan Lancuzanin, and soldiers Predrag Milojevic, Predrag Dragovic, Djordje Sosic, Miroslav Djankovic and Ivan Atanasijevic were sentenced to 20 years each for the murder of 200 Croatian prisoners at the Ovcara farm. Vujo Zlatar, Milan Vojinovic and Jovica Peric were sentenced to 15 years, while Predrag Madzarac was sentenced to 12 years. The only female accused, Nada Kalaba, was sentenced to nine years, and Goran Mugosa was sentenced to five years in prison. Accused Marko Ljuboja and Slobodan Katic were acquitted of charges that they participated in shootings during the night of Nov. 20/21, 1991. The retrial, held at the War Crimes Trial Chamber of the Belgrade District Court, began on Nov. 19, 2007. Although the media had asked the court to broadcast the announcement of the verdict, the petition was denied after one of the defense counsels objected on the grounds that it would be a form of pressure on the court. The courtroom today (FoNet)

20 years prison for Ovčara first-accused

The War Crimes Trial Chamber of the Belgrade District Court issued verdicts against members of the former Vukovar Territorial Defense, charged with shooting Croatian prisoners-of-war at the Grabovo pit in Ovčara on the night of Nov. 20/21, 1991.

Eighteen members of the former Vukovar Territorial Defense and its units were accused of the crime, which claimed the lives of about 200 Croatian prisoners. The retrial, which was ordered after the Serbian Supreme Court overturned the first-instance verdict in December 2006, began in March 2008.

The first-instance ruling at the end of 2005 found 14 of 16 accused guilty of war crimes at Ovčara and sentenced them to a total of 231 years in prison. The Supreme Court overturned the verdict in December 2006 and, a few months later, also overturned the verdict against defendant Saša Radak, who had initially been sentenced to 20 years.

Vukovar Territorial Defense Commander Miroljub Vujović, his deputy, Stanko Vujanović, commander of the Leva Supoderica volunteer unit Milan Lančužanin, and soldiers Predrag Milojević, Predrag Dragović, Đorđe Šošić, Miroslav Đanković and Ivan Atanasijević were sentenced to 20 years each for the murder of 200 Croatian prisoners at the Ovčara farm.

Vujo Zlatar, Milan Vojinović and Jovica Perić were sentenced to 15 years, while Predrag Madžarac was sentenced to 12 years. The only female accused, Nada Kalaba, was sentenced to nine years, and Goran Mugoša was sentenced to five years in prison.

Accused Marko Ljuboja and Slobodan Katić were acquitted of charges that they participated in shootings during the night of Nov. 20/21, 1991.

The retrial, held at the War Crimes Trial Chamber of the Belgrade District Court, began on Nov. 19, 2007. Although the media had asked the court to broadcast the announcement of the verdict, the petition was denied after one of the defense counsels objected on the grounds that it would be a form of pressure on the court.

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