Supreme Court overturns Ovčara verdict

The Supreme Court has accepted an appeal filed by Saša Radak, convicted to 20 years for war crimes committed in Croatia.

Izvor: FoNet

Tuesday, 10.04.2007.


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Supreme Court overturns Ovčara verdict

The Supreme Court (VSS) said in its decision the first degree verdict was overturned on grounds of significant breach of criminal procedure, with verdict based on insufficiently verified factual evidence.

For this reason, the VSS statement said, neither factual nor legal conclusions serving as the verdict’s foundation could be accepted “for the time being.”

The Belgrade District Court’s War Crimes Chamber found Radak guilty of participation in the execution of more than 200 Croatian prisoners of war in November 1991, on Ovačara farm near Vukovar, and sentenced him to a maximum 20-year jail term.

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