Kosovo: Serb church bell thrown into stream

Unknown perpetrators Saturday took off the bell from a local church in Novake, the village of Serb returnees.

Izvor: Tanjug

Sunday, 02.03.2008.


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Unknown perpetrators Saturday took off the bell from a local church in Novake, the village of Serb returnees. The locals in the village in Metohija, western Kosovo, are blaming ethnic Albanians for the desecration, which came as the villagers were in a cemetery some two kilometers away, marking Zadusnice, a religious Serb Orthodox Christian holiday dedicated to the dead. Kosovo: Serb church bell thrown into stream The bell was later found and recovered by KFOR soldiers in a stream. Local priest Branko Gligorijevic told reporters that some 30 Serb families, who returned to the village after being driven out by Albanians in 1999 had just come home from the cemetery when they heard a "crashing sound". "We turned back immediately, only to find that the bell from the church was missing," Gligorijevic said. According to him, the villagers immediately called in KFOR and a search was organized. "Sometime after 5 p.m. we found the bell in the stream and KFOR helped us take it back to the village. It is disgraceful that ethnic Albanians are doing this to us on Zadusnice, but the Serb church bell will ring in Novake again," Gligorijevic was quoted.

Kosovo: Serb church bell thrown into stream

The bell was later found and recovered by KFOR soldiers in a stream.

Local priest Branko Gligorijević told reporters that some 30 Serb families, who returned to the village after being driven out by Albanians in 1999 had just come home from the cemetery when they heard a "crashing sound".

"We turned back immediately, only to find that the bell from the church was missing," Gligorijević said.

According to him, the villagers immediately called in KFOR and a search was organized.

"Sometime after 5 p.m. we found the bell in the stream and KFOR helped us take it back to the village. It is disgraceful that ethnic Albanians are doing this to us on Zadušnice, but the Serb church bell will ring in Novake again," Gligorijević was quoted.

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