Izvor: Guardian

Kao turistički vodič i autor bloga čija su tema putovanja, Rejčel Kristensen redovno posećuje najfascinantnija mesta na planeti. Ova mlada dama, međutim, navodi da najviše uživa u dvorištu svoje kuće u Kanadi.

“Ljudi me često pitaju koje mesto na svetu mi je omiljeno, a ja im uvek odgovaram da je to moje sopstveno dvorište u Kanadi, zbog neizmerne lepote i predivnih pejzaža”, navodi Rejčel.

“Šetnja po divljim pejzažima i velikim prirodnim prostranstvima hrane moju potrebu za otkrivanjem najlepših drevnih lokacija. Vožnja auto-putem, naporna putovanja od nekoliko dana i vožnja kajaka najčešće su jedini način da pronađem savršeno idilično mesto gde ću okačiti svoju mrežastu ležaljku”, dodaje ona.

Kako izgledaju krajolici koje je oko njenog foto-aparata zabeležilo na njenim putovanjima, možete videti ovde:

There are seven days in a week, and someday isn't one of them. #explorecanada | #explorebc

A photo posted by Rachel Kristensen (@meandertheworld) on


Just touched down on Canadian soil. Feels good to be home! #explorecanada | #explorebc

A photo posted by Rachel Kristensen (@meandertheworld) on


Planning a mid week escape tomorrow from Vancouver. Where to go? #explorecanada | #explorebc

A photo posted by Rachel Kristensen (@meandertheworld) on



Wednesday. #explorecanada | #explorebc

A photo posted by Rachel Kristensen (@meandertheworld) on


This sure beats any hotel. #explorecanada | #explorebc

A photo posted by Rachel Kristensen (@meandertheworld) on



Watching the world go by. #explorecanada | #explorebc

A photo posted by Rachel Kristensen (@meandertheworld) on


The best things in life are free. #explorecanada | #explorebc

A photo posted by Rachel Kristensen (@meandertheworld) on


Enchanted forests. #explorecanada | #explorebc

A photo posted by Rachel Kristensen (@meandertheworld) on



Sunset jaunts. #explorecanada | #explorebc

A photo posted by Rachel Kristensen (@meandertheworld) on


Kieran finished third year of uni, so we've ran away to the woods to celebrate. #explorecanada | #explorebc

A photo posted by Rachel Kristensen (@meandertheworld) on


Alberta and BC friends: Trying to figure out the best places to paddle (and camp) this spring and summer... Any suggestions?

A photo posted by Rachel Kristensen (@meandertheworld) on


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